Proverbs 27:3 "Stone is heavy and sand a burden, but provocation by a fool is heavier than both."
"But she makes me so angry...." I have uttered those words more often than I care to admit. We give others an incredible amount of power over us, yet we often fail to see it. When we allow ourselves to become frustrated and angry, even boarderline obsessed by the actions of others, we are allowing them to control our lives. A rude word, a thoughtless gesture, or even an intentional slight can send us reeling for hours - and why? Do we honestly think the other person is dweling on the issue? If they are then there are two people with issues.
Life provides enough obstacles and baggage in our day to day struggles, why insist on taking on more than we were ever intended to carry? At times I personally feel like Atlas and want to buckle under the weight I am carrying - but even at those times I have difficulty ignoring the provocations.
Look at the picture of Atlas - he has the world on his shoulders, but where are his eyes? When we choose to be like Atlas, we focus on the things around us and fail to acknowledge the one who can free us from these burdens. The only one who can restore broken hearts and shattered relationships, but we won't ever see Him if we allow the weight of the world to come between us.